Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself. Do what it says. —James 1:22
It was Christmas Day afternoon when I received a call from a young man whom I had seen in a counseling situation. He had been struggling in many areas of his life and sought spiritual counsel. I had not heard from him in a while.
“I am so sorry to call you on Christmas Day, but I would like to bring you a gift. It is really important for me to give it to you today. Is that possible?”
Sure.” And I gave him my home address.
In a short while he appeared at my doorstep with a new copy of the book “A Road Less Traveled” in hand. We had used some quotes from the book as fodder for our discussions. I had loaned him my book to read. I had forgotten he still had it.
“I want to give you a new copy of this book as I have marked the one you loaned me with notes. I hope you don’t mind. It is my way of saying ‘thanks’ for spending time with me. I am on my way to celebrate Christmas with all my family—-my wife and kids. Without our conversations and prayers I would have walked away from the gift I have in them! Thank you!”
As he gave me the book, he hugged me!
“Proud of you! What a great Christmas present!” I said as he walked away.
One of the precious moments when you realize what you do matters!
Good morning Lord! As I go through this day help me to realize what I do matters. Slow me down during this holiday season to encourage those who are struggling on life. Help us all to value relationships more than things. Then we will discover the great gifts we have—given by you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Rev. Dr. M. Jack O’Dell