Welcome! We’re glad you’re visiting us.

Let us show you how we can minister to you and be in ministry with you. St. John’s worships together in our Sanctuary at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Sunday mornings, and our services are livestreamed to our website, Facebook, Vimeo and YouTube. 

First-time guests can complete this form to receive a follow-up contact from St. John’s. We look forward to connecting with you more directly and sharing more about what makes St. John’s such a special church family. Join us!

Welcome from Pastor Lane 

On behalf of the St. John’s staff and congregation, we welcome you! Come discover the ways in which we can learn and grow as together we seek to glorify God, feed people and make disciples. We look forward to our journey together!

In Christ’s Name,
Rev. Lane Cotton Winn
St. John’s UMC Lead Pastor

Children and Youth at St. John's

As of June 1, 2021, our nursery, in room 108 of the admin building, is open on Sunday mornings. Learn more about how we care for our youngest family members and guests.
Children's Ministries
Children at St. John's have a vibrant Sunday school program with dedicated teachers. Click here for more information about our programs for children and their families.
Youth Ministries
Middle school and high school students at St. John's meet weekly for fellowship and devotions, and they are involved in mission trips and more.

Adults at St. John's

Adult Sunday School Classes
We have an extensive Sunday School program. Visitors and new members are welcome in all of our classes. A variety of adult Sunday School classes meet on Sunday mornings in person, and a few are still connecting via Zoom. We hope you find one to your liking, and feel free to visit them all.
Prime Timers
This group promotes a loving, caring, creative fellowship among the members of the church who are over 50 years of age. They reach out to our community of friends so that we are able to enjoy each other’s company and support.
Christian Formation
We are called to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Christian Formation is an important task at St. John's, and we do that in a variety of ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What times are the services?
    St. John's worships together on Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 11 a.m. We offer coffee time at 9:30 in the Family Life Center and Sunday school for children, youth and adults at 9:45. Some adult classes are meeting in person, and others meet on Zoom at various times throughout the week. We hope to resume children's in-person Sunday school in August. Check our Church Calendar for the latest details.
  • Where do I park?
    We have guest parking in the lot nearest to our administration building. There is limited mobility parking in the lot closest to the sanctuary. We have plenty of parking near the Family Life Center, and on Sundays some people park along Renee Drive.
  • What should I wear?
    Wear what makes you comfortable. Congregants' attire varies from "Sunday best" to shorts and T-shirts and everything in between. As some of us have become accustomed to worshipping in our PJs, our pastor wants to assure you that you can come as you are!
  • What should I bring?
    Bring an open heart! Printed worship guides are available and all responsive words needed are visible on screens in the sanctuary. We have pew Bibles and hymnals available. We also make our worship guides available online for a lower-touch worship experience. We use smart phones to register attendance.
  • Where do I take my kids?
    Children are welcome at all our worship services and we love the sounds they contribute to our worship experience. We offer a nursery for ages 0-4 every Sunday, located in the middle Administration building, and our services' audio can be heard from the Narthex just outside the sanctuary. Children's bulletins and sermon sacks are available from an usher. For the Sunday school hour our ushers or hosts will be happy to help you find the correct classroom.

Still have questions?

We look forward to answering them and getting to know you better. Email office@stjohnsbr.org to keep the conversation going.