Advent: An Invitation to Begin Again
Tucked into the end of the year, when it can often feel like we’ve run out of time, Advent invites us to begin again. Even in the depths of winter, Advent declares: This is not the end. Christ’s birth offers us a new beginning. As we journey through this season in preparation for Christmas, we will find words of encouragement, love, and hope woven throughout scripture and in worship – words we need to begin again. This December, during the season of Advent, we will come to find that God’s all-embracing love is with us in our endings and our beginnings. Join us as we experience the season of Advent together – an invitation to begin again.
Advent Photo-A-Day Invitation
During Advent, we invite you to a spiritual practice of noticing images of hope, peace, joy, and love in the world. Our Photo-A-Day practice invites you to notice God within the world through a guiding word. You can download the daily word prompts here or get a printed copy at church. As you notice that word coming to mind during your day, take a picture and post it on social media, using #stjohnsbr in your post. Or you can use the daily word as a journaling process of noticing God! As a community practice, it’s powerful to observe the various ways we uniquely encounter each word and God around us. Where will you see these words and reflections this Advent season as we begin again in our preparations for Christmas?