Advent Faith Stories: Teetering on the Edge of a Harvest Blessing
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
The accelerator is to the floor. Trying to keep up with this fast-paced life, amidst the onset of the scurry of holiday bustle and commitments, the daily life challenges never fail to arise, leaving this anxiety-filled spirit overwhelmed and teetering on the edge of broken.
But what if I’m actually teetering on the edge of a harvest blessing?
There are enough challenges in ordinary life, and sometimes the challenges roll in as gentle waves, sometimes they come crashing in like a tsunami, submerging us in doubt and spirit-crushing, worry-fueled hopelessness. In my house, my current experience is the latter, and it has been for some time. But I know that God has wonderful plans for me because I trust His Word, not because I feel my life reflects it, not because I can see a bright future ahead. I am counting on God to be God as I fumble and err through apparent darkness, looking for that light at the end of the tunnel that I am too blind to see.
So fearfully, and often reluctantly, with each new morning, I put one foot in front of the other, stomach in knots, mind swimming with “what ifs,” the language of a devil’s advocate.
God, what would you have me do?
Somewhere, somehow God is with me. I don’t know how; I don’t know why. But His Word promises me. And that’s the Word I take with me as I am overwhelmed by the worries of this life. I trust that our Father sees the bright future ahead of me;
I will trust that our Father has me teetering on the edge of a harvest blessing, even though my mind and this life repeatedly endeavor to tell me otherwise. The struggles are hard, but there is a light beaconing, like a lighthouse signaling through the dense fog, to a disabled little boat adrift on rough seas, affording assurance if we do not grow weary of doing good… in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
God is a genius. He is perfection. He is righteousness. He is amazing. And He clearly knows a lot better than me. He forges us through fire and turbulence and challenges to equip us for the beautiful life He has in store for each of us. Ironically, the agony of this earthly life is a gift. The agony of this life is an opportunity to be made new. I believe, Lord, help my unbelief!
Good and gracious Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for your Word, reminding me that you are with me through it all, that you will take my weaknesses and make them Your strengths, that you are forging me anew through the challenges of this life. Help me Father to trust in your presence when I fear you are absent; to be assured that you will walk with me and instill in my heart a longing to do good and a desire to honor You. Help me to trust in your holy Word that you will remake me for your Kingdom-work. Help me to be patient and trust in your promise that I am teetering on the edge of a harvest blessing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Natalie Cooper