Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. —Hebrews 13:2
My inn is always open. Every traveler is welcome here. Rich or poor are the same to me; I’ll even rent a room to a Roman. Of course, we don’t have many strangers passing through who want to stop here. The city is only a few miles farther. Sometimes I go days without a soul checking in. Other times there can be a crowd. That’s the way it was during the census. Everyone related to one of the old families from here had to come register. I didn’t have an empty room the whole time it was going on.
One couple that came then I can’t forget. They were from up north in Galilee. The man had walked the whole way while his wife rode a donkey. It was hard to believe he was a descendant of King David. He was a carpenter without a penny to spare. His wife was a little thing. She never complained, but I knew she was exhausted. She was about to have their baby.
They arrived late one evening. There was no room for them, but I couldn’t turn them away. A place in my stable was all I could provide, but I tried to make them comfortable. That night the baby was born. My wife helped. Afterwards she said some shepherds had come to see the child and worshiped him like a king. Later still, strangers from the East came searching for the boy. He would be a great king they said and brought him gifts. Shortly after they left, the young family left also, not for home, they said, but for Egypt.
Nothing stranger has ever happened here. I still don’t know what it means. Who was that little boy, I wonder? What will he do in the world?
Help me, Lord, to see the needs of those outside my narrow circle, cheerfully to minister to those needs and to welcome strangers as heartily as I do old friends. Amen.
Guy Johnson