New Worship Series – “Summer on the Mount” Beginning June 18, we will spend our, “Summer on the Mount,” through our worship series. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus
Legacy of Hope
Scripture is filled with intriguing characters who left profound legacies. As we look closer, we find that they were not that different from us. They too, experienced challenges, heartaches, successes,
This year’s Lenten theme will be “Seeking: Honest Questions for Deeper Faith.” Over the six weeks of Lent we will follow the Lectionary readings, which offer us stories of
Holy in the Everyday
Our lives are made up of a string of ordinary moments, and sometimes the ordinary begins to feel mundane or monotonous. But in these ordinary moments we can find God.
Scenes of the Season
The Advent season is upon us, a time when we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ child at Christmas. This special season is full of familiar stories
Holy Carbs
November 6, 13 and 20, 2022 As we get closer to the holidays, we are reminded how central food is to our lives. During the three Sundays prior to Thanksgiving,
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Our September worship series, “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” turns to childhood icon, Mr. Rogers, for inspiration. Fred Rogers was not only a children’s television host, but was also
Upside Down Living
Upside Down Living: Parables with a Punch In our July worship series, “Upside Down Living: Parables with a Punch,” we will take a look at several of the parables that
Finding God in the Flames
Join us for Pentecost Sunday on June 5th as we begin our worship series, “Finding God in the Flames: Campfire Stories from Scripture.” We will kick off the summer by