We have different gifts that are consistent with God’s grace that has been given to us. —Romans 12:6a
Soon after we moved to Baton Rouge I joined a First Presbyterian Church women’s Bible study that was held at a member’s house each week. The welcome we all received was warm, to say the least. The host always had a delicious snack, hot coffee and plenty of comfortable seating for our in-depth study of Scripture.
As it got closer to Christmas our host began to use her gorgeous Christmas dishes to serve the group. They were lovely and perfectly suited to the household including matching plates and bowls of various sizes, mugs, themed silverware and sparkling glasses. I coveted those dishes. I started looking online at Christmas dishes and perusing sets in stores, wondering if I should buy my own set.
But I remembered – I don’t host a Bible study. I don’t even host family meals for the most part. If I bought Christmas dishes they would be taking up space, and at the time we lived in a small one-bedroom apartment.
I don’t have the gift of hospitality that our Bible study host showed us week after week. Invitations to my home are few and far between, not because I wouldn’t welcome you in but because it’s not a natural reflex or habit.
God has given me other gifts with which to serve and connect. So far those gifts don’t include the need for a set of Christmas dishes!
Father, strip away our desire for more, more, more. Allow us to focus our attention on the coming of your Son and the beautiful miracle of His birth. Show us our gifts and teach us to use them well. Amen.
Mari Walker