The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. —Nahum 1:7
I received a small dirt bike when I was 13 years old. I remember learning how to ride it. That first day, I pulled the throttle wide open and popped a wheelie straight up, and I was so afraid that I couldn’t let go, and the bike kept going. My dad told me to just let go, but I was frozen in fear. I barreled straight into a briar patch, scratching my arms, legs, and face. I walked out and my dad was there to comfort me. He helped clean me up and bandage me. If I had only trusted and let go, I wouldn’t have crashed.
God, our savior, the redeemer, will give us each step. However, instead of listening to our Holy Father’s direction, sometimes we freeze. We are so wrapped up in what is happening, we lose sight of the Almighty, who is there to lead us, to comfort us, to wash away our sins. We try to go it alone. Our Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. He sent his son to save you and me.
Lord Father, I thank you for being my lantern as I walk through the darkness of this world. Keep my faith strong and steadfast. I know there can be no other like you, and you will redeem us. I am a sinner and I am broken. But Lord, you never once turned away from me. I trust in you. I praise you, Father. I praise you! Amen.
Chris Golman