The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (Emmanuel) – which means, God with us. —Matthew 1:23
When I hear the name Emmanuel, it sends me back to my teenage years. Our Associate Pastor, Emanuel E. Holmberg, often met with and led the Sunday School Class for the teens at our Oklahoma City Methodist church. His quiet smile and kind demeanor made a lasting impression. He never raised his voice or preached a brimstone sermon to my knowledge. We knew he had served as a chaplain in WWII, but he never dwelled on it with the youth. I am not sure why he is such a big part of my memories except that he embodied the love of Christ to all he met.
In the early 1970s when I was in high school, Rev. Emanuel Holmberg was already in his early 60’s. He had served as the pastor in several small towns in Oklahoma after attending OCU and Garrett Biblical Institute for his Bachelor of Divinity. Then came WWII and at age 35, with a wife and two small children, he volunteered to be a Chaplain in the U.S. Army in Europe. Upon returning to Oklahoma after the war as an even more spiritual pastor, he served in five more churches until nearing retirement, he came to OKC as an Associate Pastor at my church. He served a total of 62 years as a Methodist pastor. All of these facts are just details, but his ministry remains a part of my heart and he truly embodies his name – God With Us.
Rev. Emanuel Edward Holmberg – 1906 to 1996.
Lord, thank you for the Saints who came before us. We never know what impact we will have on those we encounter. I pray that I can be your servant to those I meet. Amen
Carol Marr Gordon