Therefore, the Lord will give you a sign. The young woman is pregnant and is about to give birth to a son, and she will name him Immanuel. —Isaiah 7:14
Have you ever had days when it was hard to be joyful? I must admit I’ve had many. In 2019 I turned 50; at first I was excited. I had been looking forward to speaking my mind and not worrying about what anyone else thought. At the very least they’d just think that I was old.
By the time summer arrived, joy was nowhere in sight. I just couldn’t pull myself out of it. I prayed and sang songs. My sons and I went on a fun vacation to Universal Studios, yet joy was eluding me. August arrived and I was diagnosed with breast cancer again. Joy simply refused to emerge.
The year 2020 brought with it a multitude of emotions and fears. It’s hard to believe, but in the midst of all that I knew that God was with me. Joy started bubbling up in me. I must say I was a little confused by this. I should not be feeling joy when the world is falling apart. I just knew something was wrong with me, so I prayed,
“Why do I feel such joy when I should be down and depressed?”
I heard God say, “I never wanted you to feel depressed nor do I want you to worry about things beyond your control. You are experiencing my joy because you have begun to remember that I am with you.” Now when I feel my joy trying to slip away, I remind myself that God is with me.
“Joy, joy, God’s great joy! Joy, joy down in my soul, sweet beautiful soul-saving joy! Oh joy, joy in my soul.” (Georgia Mass Choir)
Dear God, Thank you for your joy and for reminding us that you are always with us. Thank you for Jesus Christ the Incarnate. In his name, amen.
L. Darlene Dickson