Faith Stories: In the Shadow of His Wings
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. Psalm 57:1
Coyotes moved into my neighborhood a year ago. It’s totally understandable. Construction of multiple groups of townhouses has taken up the wild lands that used to stretch from Highland Road to the Mississippi. The coyotes have nowhere to roam, to hunt for their natural prey. Consequently, the neighborhood cats and small dogs have become the accidental prey.
My cat Sammy, wise in her 17 years of life, smells the coyotes during our daily predawn forays into the backyard and down the driveway to fill the birdfeeders. I have noticed her doing a remarkable thing. In the driveway that is well-lit by a street light, Sammy always stands in my shadow, thereby making herself less visible to any terrifying predator that may be lurking. Sammy seeks the protection of my shadow, knowing that there she will find security and safety.
Like the Psalmist, I often find myself dwelling in the shadow of God’s wings. During times of fear and uncertainty, during my bouts with unremitting grief, I find solace in abiding in the protective love and peace of God’s open arms. And when these times of trial and terror pass, I find myself once again singing joyfully in the shadow of His wings.
Prayer: O God of strength, God of tenderness, we thank you for loving us in our weakness and for welcoming us into the shadow of your wings. Help us, as we abide with you, to recover our strength and passion so that we might continue to serve you and be your ambassadors to all people.
Betty Schroeder