The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them … for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. – Isaiah 11:6, 9
The orchestra members prepare for the concert in a cacophony of tuning instruments. Patrons entering the hall rustle, finding seats, crawling over others in rows too narrow, settling coats and purses, chattering with excitement. Suddenly the lights go down; the discordant sounds of trumpet, oboe, cello and cymbals cease; violin bows are raised; the conductor’s baton is held high. There is stunned expectancy in the concert hall with all awaiting the sonorous harmonies to finally begin.
That moment is like Advent – the breathless moment of waiting in anticipation of a gift of amazing beauty.
In today’s climate, more than ever, we long for a world that knows peace throughout all countries, acceptance throughout all cultures, wholeness for all people and for the earth itself. Instead we are bombarded hourly by images of war and suffering and devastation of all sorts. How has the world become such a place of madness, a cauldron of greed and inhumanity? We just want to see, to hope for, a resolution of all that is so wrong, of all that is so much against God’s will and plan for humankind.
The early arrival of dusk now and the darkness of the winter sky, for me, bring a sense of tranquility and prompt a longing for simple peace. This is Advent! In this time of waiting once again for the birth of our Messiah, we have the opportunity to sit in quiet hopefulness, to dream of a world filled with light and love. We are waiting for the conductor’s baton to fall and the glorious gift to arrive. Come, sweet Jesus, come!
God of all creation and author of all gifts, as we await the birth of Jesus once more in this beautiful season of Advent, we pray for our world, your world. In these tumultuous times help us focus on the promise that the birth of Jesus brings and give unending thanks to you for this ultimate gift. Amen
Betty Schroeder