Faith Stories: Pray Without Ceasing
While working in the yard, I heard the yardman next door raking and humming. I opened the gate and asked Wesley, a special name to a Methodist like me, what he was doing. He answered that he was praying and that he loved to pray.
I was a bit taken back but answered, “Well, the Bible says to pray without ceasing.” We both went back to what we were doing, but I pondered on what he did not say. He did not say he was praying while he worked or working while he prayed. He simply said he was praying. That was what was important.
His humming changed to singing the words, “Praise God” over and over. For the next couple of hours, I avoided using power tools so I could hear him and quietly join in his adoration. Finally, he yelled over the fence asking if I needed any help. I told him no thanks, but I thought to myself how much he had already helped me by reminding me of the words I had read earlier in the week in Celebration of Discipline. Richard J. Foster wrote, “…we have not worshiped the Lord until Spirit touches spirit.”
Jane Crowl