The Lord Is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. —Psalm 18:2
Cancer has presented me with many uncertainties. I am so thankful to have Jesus as my rock. Knowing that Jesus is always there for me, to guide me in decision making, to comfort me when I feel bad, to calm my fears, to give me strength to face what’s ahead, gives me a sense of confidence and peace. He is steadfast. He is my protector. He does not change.
As a reminder of Jesus as my rock, I have found wearing a rosary from Medjugoire given to me by a dear neighbor helpful. Wearing it around my wrist allows me to clasp the plain, wooden cross in the palm of my hand at any time as I go about my day. In addition, I have found my larger Holding Cross so comforting at night. The wood is smooth, solid with no sharp edges and lets me know I am not alone. Both give me the reassurance needed that Jesus is watching over me.
No matter what challenges we face, know that Jesus is our rock. Trust in the Lord and know that He is good.
Thank you, Jesus, for your humble birth.
Thank you, Jesus, for your suffering so that I could be saved.
Thank you, Jesus, for being my rock in times of uncertainty.
Harriet Walters