The St. John’s Prayground
A place for children and their families to worship together
- All are welcome to worship in this space. People of all ages and abilities are important to God and to our congregation. We are glad you are here.
- Help us keep the Prayground clean and safe for everyone. Please use the hand sanitizer provided before playing and place toys that have been chewed or soiled in the “Clean Me” bucket.
- We believe children learn through participation in worship services. We invite them to participate as much as they are able.
- After each service, we will sanitize toys that were used by our friends.
About The St. John’s Prayground
We believe children learn to worship through participation in worship services. The St. John’s Prayground is a quiet area where small children are invited to play, read or color while still participating in worship services. We encourage parents to help their children observe what is going on around them and to join our services as they are able. Children are a vital part of this congregation, and they matter to God. We are pleased to provide a space for them to worship and grow in their faith.
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
—Matthew 19:13-14