Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. —John 14: 12-14
In January 2023, I was delighted to select my star word at our Epiphany worship service. I love star words. As I wrote in a Faith Story Anticipating a Star Word: “They are “the words I carry with me for at least a year, and even beyond. They have taken my breath away; they’ve left my mind pondering, my heart pounding and my soul stirring; they’ve made me pay attention to them.”
While each star word can be considered and experienced singularly, I am realizing that the star words I’ve collected over the years have amounted to a Holy constellation, a harmonious symphony – a love song from our Lord written just for me, His melodic call upon my life. Through these star words, Jesus has proven Himself again and again, and centers me in His trustworthy goodness:
Jesus the daring leader
Jesus the promise keeper
Jesus the giver of the life-spirit
Growing in love with our Savior Jesus Christ, I cannot help but recognize the ever-present Spirit of God with me throughout my life. In my youngest years I remember reading His Holy Word, not with wise understanding but often with many questions, knowing that in His time He would make these things clear to me. He has done this and more and continues to do, as it is God’s nature to give and give abundantly.
Waiting to hear His clear call upon my life and how I might serve Him, crying out “when Lord?!” He imparts His perfect wisdom upon me, showing me that His good work within me has been a lifetime in the making. I have found myself so concerned with the “when?” of the waiting that I failed to see that the rooting up, the planting and the sowing have all been well underway. He has most assuredly led my life in bold ways; He has kept His promises; He has filled me to overflowing with His reviving Spirit. It is a joy to be alive and never have I loved my life as I do now.
Never did I imagine that I could love my life and love who He has made me to be as I do now. This powerful love He has poured into me has freed me from the darkest depths of depression and erased my selfish longings to usher this earthly life to a close, dead and buried with potential in tact.
I pray for courage and He makes me daring.
I pray for direction and He journeys with me.
I pray for confirmation and he proves again and again He is a promise-keeper.
I pray for wisdom and light and love and He pours His spirit into me to overflowing.
We can ask anything in Jesus’ name. He tells us we can. He tells us that He will do it and He does! I am proof! You are proof! Thanks be to God for a love like that.
Most Holy and Loving God, thank you that you are a promise-keeper. Thank you that you hear the cries of my heart and fill my mind and spirit with good things. Forgive me for the times that I have been impatient in waiting, for the times that I have called out for your direction not realizing that you set me on Your path for me from the moment you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you that you always journey with me, even in the waiting. By your Spirit within me, move me to do the mighty works that you have done so that I may glorify Your Holy Name, the ever-present life-giver, in all things. Thanks be to God! Amen
Natalie Cooper