In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, magi from the east came to Jerusalem…ahead of them, went the star that they had seen in the east, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. —Matthew 2:1, 9b-10
Today is Epiphany! It is the day in the church calendar when we remember the star-studded journey of the magi, which led them to Jesus. Epiphany is the celebration of God’s presence breaking through to shine as a light for all the world. The Divine is revealed and made manifest in the hearts of these travelers from afar. And they emerge from this experience “overwhelmed by joy.” I love that! I want that! I want to be overwhelmed with joy, too.
Like a spiritual G.P.S., the magi followed their hearts by allowing a star to guide their way. While I cannot cast a new star in the sky, I can offer you a creative prayer practice through a Star Word to accompany you in the New Year, guiding you closer to Christ. A Star Word is a contemporary tradition of receiving an intention word on Epiphany. Imprinted upon a star, your Star Word is a word for you to consider as a guidepost for your year.
I encourage you to join us for worship on January 7 to receive a Star Word. The magi followed a star to find the Christ child. We are also seeking Jesus in our daily lives, trusting that the Holy Spirit can and does use signs to guide us closer to the Divine presence. Consider your Star Word your spiritual G.P.S. Perhaps you will see something in your word that others may not – just like the magi who determined the Star of Bethlehem marked their destiny.
What might you learn from one word?
What new ideas might emerge?
What treasured wisdom might you discern?
As we seek guidance for the journey ahead, may your spiritual quest and your sacred work include possibilities from the stars.
God of starlight, like the Magi so long ago, we too, are seeking you. In this new year, we ask that once more, you give us a sign. As you guide our journey, may we be more open to your presence and willing to follow where you lead. We are hopeful, O God. Overwhelm us with joy. In the name of the One who is the keeper of the stars. Amen.
Rev. Lane Cotton Winn