My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. —1 John 2: 1-2
The very season of Advent sparks anticipation, anxiety, and eagerness. The very word means “important arrival,’ “a coming, approach, arrival.” In the times when darkness threatens to overtake us, we pray and anticipate an answer, a clearing, a relief. Indeed, we await the arrival of our advocate, the divine intercessor, for whom no darkness is too wide or deep.
Just as the Magi traveled in anticipation of the Christ child, we too are traveling this Advent journey from confusion, seeking the light and the truth, Jesus’ revelation. Just as the Magi were guided by the star, a light in the sky, may the Holy Spirit be the light within us, bringing us closer to Christ.
In the period of waiting, anticipation, praying, we have faith the greatest shepherd will find us, remove the distractions, and bring us safely back into the flock. Advent, the time we commemorate the arrival of God’s greatest gift. Advent is the season of waiting, the season of hope, the season of faith.
This season is also a test of faith, and as we wait with unceasing prayer, I am reminded of one of the songs my great-grandmother used to sing. A lyric says “Wait on the Lord and be of good courage,” which she often followed with “God might not come when you want Him but He’s always on time.”
The time was Christmas, and it was the coming of Jesus. Let us rejoice.
Most gracious God, thank you for the gift of your son Jesus. In this season, when every heart should be light, many are under a shadow of despair, fear, and hopelessness. We need Jesus more than ever, and this Advent we await the promised rest for the weary, peace for the anxious, and comfort for the lost, lonely, and forgotten. In this Advent season of expectation, let our worship echo throughout the community and bring more people to You. Finally, we pray all God’s children from the cradle to rocker be reminded the greatest Christmas gift is not wrapped in pretty paper; it is not under a tree, nor is it a package delivered to the door. The greatest gift of Christmas is love, Jesus Christ who descended from heaven and whose name we pray, amen.
Angeletta KM Gourdine