21 Days to a More Authentic Faith
Join St. John’s United Methodist Church for The Wesley Challenge, built around 21 questions that John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, encouraged the first Methodists to ask one another. Through weekly sermons, small groups, and daily devotional readings, we will explore how we can develop the spiritual habits, practices and actions that can lead to a thriving Christian life.
Download Week 1 Devotionals
Download Week 2 Devotionals
Download Week 3 Devotionals
Sermon Series, beginning Sunday January 6
The three sermons, starting January 6, will introduce the upcoming week’s questions and will encourage you to work through the questions at home.
Sunday January 6
Relationship with God – An Upward Focus
Acts 17:26-28
Rev. Lane Cotton Winn, lead pastor
View sermon
Sunday January 13
Relationship with Self – An Inward Focus
Romans 12:1-2
Rev. Lane Cotton Winn, lead pastor
View sermon
Sunday January 20
Relationship with Others – An Outward Focus
Romans 12: 3-18
Rev. Lane Cotton Winn, lead pastor
View sermon
Join others in the 21-Day Challenge!
On Tuesday, January 8, we will start a 4-week study led by Margaret and Phil Sprunger that explores the 21 questions and applies them to our modern-day lives. The study will meet on Tuesdays in January, (8, 15, 22 and 29), at 6:30 p.m. (Childcare will be available upon request.) Study books cost $15 (put Wesley study in memo line).
Even if you are unable to attend the study, you can order a book if you would like to participate on your own. Reserve your book by contacting Pastor Deirdré by phone (939-1425) or email.
Sunday School classes and other small groups may want to use this book as a study during the month of January. The three sermons (preached on January 6, 13 and 20) will introduce the upcoming week’s theme and questions. The small group study is intended to be used after each week is experienced, therefore, to follow along most closely to the sermon series, your class would want to start reading the week of January 6 and have your first class session on January 13.