So welcome each other, in the same way that Christ also welcomed you, for God’s glory. Romans 15:7 (CEB)
During one of Kaye’s final “alert days,” I took communion over to her house. I knew this visit would be one of our last. It was a sacred time—shared in a sacred place—her home.
As she slowly walked me out, I noticed her nativity set, complete with 12-inch tall figurines, set up by the front door on its own table. It seemed a little unusual because it was the middle of the summer!
I commented to her how beautiful it was. She said Christmas was her favorite holiday so she liked to keep it all year. As I turned to say goodbye, she said, “I want to make sure every day I’ve got left feels like Christmas.”
As I stood in the doorway where Kaye and her husband, James, welcome people into their home—I was reminded of the fullness of life—the goodness of God’s great love for us—that we experience in the Christ child. Yes, it’s Christmas everyday when we experience the miracle of birth alongside the mystery of death with dear loved ones in our lives.
It’s Christmas every day when we, like…
- Joseph, willingly accept the challenges that life poses.
- Mary, say, “Let it be. Let it be according to Your will, O God.”
- the angels, bring good news of God’s love to the world.
- the innkeeper, offer welcome to our neighbors.
- the shepherds, share the love we experience at the manger with everyone we meet.
- the wise men, bow before God bringing these gifts to the Prince of Peace—offering our best—our lives—in his service.
May Hope, Peace, Joy and Love abound in your hearts and lives, as together we experience the Living Christ, not only this day, but each day, forevermore.
Emmanuel, God with us, we celebrate your presence this day. Open our eyes to your miracles each day. Thank you for accepting and welcoming us. Amen.
Pastor Lane Cotton Winn
Home Worship & Advent Wreath Reading*
Christmas Eve/Christmas Day
Lighting the Christ Candle
Read: John 1:1-5
Light: We offer the following reading as you light the four Advent candles and Christ Candle on your Advent wreath. If you do not have an Advent wreath, we invite you to light a candle, in honor of the Christ Child that is born again in our hearts and lives this Christmas.
The day has finally come! As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we light the Christ candle, signifying the Light of Christ has come into the world. The candles of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love are lit, too. In lighting these candles, we remember Jesus’ presence with us now—Emmanuel—God is with us.
(Light the first, second, third, and fourth candles. Light the center white candle.)
Reflect: When we look at the center candle, we remember that God sent Jesus to give hope, peace, joy and love to all people. Outside of Bethlehem, the shepherds saw a great light and heard the voices of angels. They traveled to the manger and were welcomed in as the first guests to see the baby Jesus.
Far away from Bethlehem, magi saw a star in the sky. They followed the star and were filled with joy when they found Jesus. They remind us that the gift of Jesus was not just for the people in one place but for all people. All are welcome to worship the newborn king and to follow in his pathway of light.
It’s amazing to think of these persistent travelers who were determined to find Jesus. They traveled with hope and faith in the promise that they would find the new king. Who are the people in our world who need to know of God’s promises?
What are our hopes on this day for our world?
Pray: Dear God, Thank you for your son, Jesus and the welcome you extend to all people and places. This Christmas, help us remember and rejoice again because Jesus was born. May we live every day remembering your loving care and warm welcome and showing that loving care and welcome to others. Amen.
Respond: Name one thing you are willing to do in the days following Christmas that will help you and others remember God’s promises.
*Adapted from UMC Discipleship Ministries 2017 Advent Home Worship