“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” —Matthew 25: 35-36
First impressions are important! Sometimes people can welcome us into their lives or shut us out completely in just one simple encounter. Some folks seem to automatically radiate a sense of welcome in their smiles, or perhaps in their kind words upon meeting. Others project anger and unhappiness that in no way suggest welcome. Today more than ever we look for those people and places that make us feel safe and welcome. However, our fear of the unknown today has caused many of us to withdraw within our own worlds, unable to welcome anyone.
“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” are words found in Romans 15:7. As we enter the Advent season we should remember that Jesus died for us so that we would come to know God. He is instructing us to be a welcoming people. Certainly there are persons who are harder to welcome than others. The strangers who are sick, poor or different offer a challenge to our hospitality.
People have often described St. John’s as a warm and welcoming congregation. Is that true only within the safety of our sanctuary and campus, or does it extend to the world beyond our doors? Do we risk welcoming strangers? How we treat the bank teller, new neighbors on the block or the check-out girl at our grocery store reflects our own Christianity. The kindness we show or the lack of it is a reflection of how we feel about Jesus. By the grace of God we should dare to welcome everyone with whom we come into contact this Advent season and beyond. Perhaps your welcome might be the impetus that brings one more person to God.
Heavenly Father, Let me never forget that something as simple as a smile or a pat on the back may be the only welcoming sign someone has received in a very long time. Let me share God’s message of hope to every person I meet.
Bobbi Marino