Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. —John 14:27
Peace comes in many forms. The challenge is recognizing the moment of peace when it gets there. Peace can be found walking in the woods with the sounds of nature all around you. Peace could be stepping into the house after a long stressful day. Peace could be sitting on the back of a truck waiting for the police to show up after a little ole lady has beaten you with her walking stick because you were parked in the handicapped slot. Upon realizing that you have done nothing wrong you are at peace. Peace can be found 35 feet below water where you can just relax and enjoy the splendor of being underwater. These are just a few examples of what peace could be.
Speaking as a combat Veteran, finding the moments of peace were important to me to keep my sanity. You cannot be on a knife-edge without dulling the ability to perform. Peace comes in all shapes and sizes as well. You have those moments of peace when you step into the cool of the house. Or those big moments where everything finally clicks into place and all your hard work pays off. Peace is a gift that allows you to re-focus and re-center. Without peace I would not want to be around because then you have nothing to look forward to. Peace in all its shapes, forms, and moments is a blessing and a gift.
Stop and think about the last time you allowed peace to bring you ease and comfort. Spend the day looking for those tiny moments. Do not always go rushing from thing to thing. And welcome the peace in when it appears, and enjoy the gift that it brings.
Lord, allow me to see the peace when it comes and know it for what it means. Amen
Paul Grady Madden