Welcome to the 2015 Advent Devotional by the people of St. John’s United Methodist Church. Our theme this year is The Walk to Bethlehem. We invite you to join us. Download the devotional as a PDF, pick up a printed copy at church (we have a limited number) and/or sign up to receive the devotions as a daily email during the season of Advent using the form below (you can unsubscribe at any time).
Once again, our Advent Devotional Book will be used as a small group study. If you would like to join a small group study of our Advent Devotional book “The Walk to Bethlehem,” there are a number of Sunday School classes who will be participating , or you can join the Weeknight Group in the Parlor on Wednesdays at 6 p.m., beginning December 2. For information on joining one of these small group studies, please contact Deacon Sarah.