Faith Stories: Prayer Shawl Ministry “She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.” Proverbs 31:13 As a young child in Scotland I was taught to knit and crochet.
Faith Stories: Focus for the New Year
Faith Stories: Focus for the New Year As 2015 approached, I was thinking about goals for the new year. So many of us make New Year Resolutions and then after
Faith Stories: Wheelchair at the Intersection
Faith Stories: Wheelchair at the Intersection I had never looked at him closely. There was always an appointment, a meeting, or just a selfish goal that hurried me on. He
Faith Stories: A Message for Advent and Christmas
Faith Stories: A Message for Advent and Christmas In the first four days of Advent, I experienced three seemingly unrelated things. However, when I considered them together, I heard with
Faith Stories: Meditation on a Butterfly
Faith Stories: Meditation on a Butterfly Psalm 148: 7-10, 13 Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding,you mountains
Faith Stories: Thankful
Faith Stories: Thankful Rhonda Tucker is thankful for… LoveFamily – Related as well as the people not blood related who are familyGraceChallenges and learning how to be thankful for themBaton
Faith Stories: Carol Gordon’s Ministry Moment
Faith Stories: Carol Gordon’s Ministry Moment Then Jacob made a vow saying “If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and
Faith Stories: Elizabeth and Brian Shoup’s Ministry Moment
Faith Stories: Elizabeth and Brian Shoup’s Ministry Moment Faith Stories: Stewardship Ministry Moment Oct. 12, 2014 from St. John’s UMC Baton Rouge on Vimeo. On Sunday Brian Shoup spoke with
Faith Stories: Prayer Shawl Blessing
Faith Stories: Prayer Shawl Blessing St. John’s UMC is blessed in its outreach ministries that enable the members to participate in numerous activities to serve God, using the gifts and
Faith Stories: Faces of Angels
Faith Stories: Faces of Angels The children of Grace Camp will steal your heart. Hungry for friendship, desperate for affection and often traumatized by circumstances at home, they come to