Faith Stories: Youth Mission Trip Summer 2014 This summer the St. John’s UMC youth group took a mission trip to Shreveport, LA. While there, we worked with Common Ground Outreach,
Faith Stories: God Never Sleeps
Faith Stories: God Never Sleeps In the summer of 2006, I moved from my beloved home of over 40 years in Baker to Baton Rouge. I later found my church
Faith Stories: Speak, Lord, For Your Servant is Listening
Faith Stories: Speak, Lord, For Your Servant is Listening “‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.'” 1 Samuel 3:9 In seminary, a frequent topic of conversation involves what you will
Faith Stories: The Shepherd’s Market’s Second Anniversary
Faith Stories: The Shepherd’s Market’s Second Anniversary The Shepherd’s Market celebrates its 2nd anniversary today! I want to share some of the ways that we have made an impact during
Faith Stories: A Letter to Mama
Faith Stories: A Letter to Mama St. John’s UMC member Saroj Welch’s son sent her this letter for Mother’s Day this year, and she graciously shared it with us as
Faith Stories: Lessons for the Heart
Faith Stories: Lessons for the Heart Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?
Faith Stories: Words of Witness
Faith Stories: Words of Witness Faith Story: Words of Witness from Tori Lambert from St. John’s UMC Baton Rouge on Vimeo. Hi, my name is Tori Lambert and I am
Faith Stories: Obedience
Faith Stories: Obedience I woke up very early from a deep sleep this morning. I immediately had one thought on my mind, and I knew it was God … messing with me
Faith Stories: Acts of Faith
Faith Stories: Acts of Faith On October 26, 2013, Pat and Cade Carter celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. The 60+ years spent together were filled with ups and downs like
Faith Stories: The Love That Surpasses All Knowledge
Faith Stories: The Love That Surpasses All Knowledge Last August I sat with my grandmother and discussed her heartfelt desire for her family. She had accomplished her life’s dream of