Faith Stories: Prayer for our Country
On the night of Tuesday, November 8 as I sat watching the presidential election returns–flipping from one news station to another (MSNBC, FOX, BBC CNN)–not wanting to believe what I was viewing. My stomach knotted, and I became nauseous as my mind struggled to come to terms with the projected outcome. I finally succumbed to physical exhaustion and climbed into bed as I continued my prayer for peace and unity. I also asked God for guidance– guidance for how I could become an active participant in bringing love and peace to all I meet.
Four hours later I awakened and when sleep did not return, I felt God’s nudge to arise and to pray, and I knew that I was to pray for love and peace to prevail in the United States and also to pray for the man who had won the election, Donald Trump. My prayer continued with the request that we as a country show respect and love for one another. So, although I did not stay awake the entire night, I did hear God’s call to be ready as we face a new chapter in U.S. history. Ten days later during my morning meditation, I found myself reading this passage in Luke (21:34) “Watch out! Don’t let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this life. Don’t let that day catch you unaware.” (NLT)
I felt God speaking to me, reminding me not to allow despair to overcome my life as we face a new chapter in U.S. history. Do not allow my mind to become a trap for despair but to become alert and aware of what I can do to bring loving kindness into this world. None of us knows the future but I believe that prayer–both asking God for guidance, asking God to guide our leaders, and also listening for God’s whispers–shape my/our future. With this in mind, I hang onto the words of Julian of Norwich, “It is God’s will that we receive three things from him as gifts as we seek. The first if that we seek willingly and diligently without sloth, as that may be with his grace, joyfully and happily, without unreasonable depression and useless sorrow.
The second is that we wait for him steadfastly, out of love for him, without grumbling and contending against him, to the end of our lives, for that will last only for a time. The third is that we have great trust in him, out of complete and true faith, for it is his will that we know tht he will appear suddenly and blessedly, to all his lovers. For he works in secret, and he will be perceived, and trusted, for he is very accessible, familiar and courteous, blessed may he be. “(Julian of Norwich Showings, p. 196) Thanks be to God!
I am loved and love others. Amen!
Joyce Clavenna