Faith Stories: The Language of Christ’s Love
At the urging of some friends, I will attempt to convey a very moving spiritual moment for me. This short moment made me realize what healing power each of us possesses if we choose to use it.
As many of you know, I recently went on mission to Cuba. It was such a fabulous experience! Words and pictures unfortunately inhibit an adequate description. Our destination was Ciego de Avila, a six hour van ride from Havana. We all stayed in the parsonage, 6 women in one room and 5 men in another. We worked hard, ate well, accomplished more than our scope of work, and had many a laugh. But the biggest joy was experiencing Christ daily through each other (the mission team) and even more so through the Cuban people we thought WE were serving.
One day I felt my emotions getting the best of me so I quietly, or so I thought, left the patio area where we took our breaks, ate our meals and had worship. I walked to the area where we were helping to construct their new church, sat on a retaining wall and proceeded to weep. A few minutes later I felt someone put their arm around me and began to stroke my forehead ever so gently – as if to wipe away my sadness. She spoke so quietly and gently while continuing to hold me and brush her fingers across my brow. As is said in our covenant group, that was most certainly a ‘closest to Christ’ moment – perhaps one of the closest for me.
Who is this person? Her name is Iris. She is 28, a single parent, poor as the proverbial church mouse, and has one of the most beautiful smiles I think I have ever seen – genuine and ever-present. She is one of many Cubans who worked hard behind the scenes to make our stay comfortable. She does not speak any English and my Spanish vocabulary is limited to the number of fingers on my hands! But, for that moment, while she comforted me, she spoke the language of Christ’s love. It was all that was needed. I truly felt that it was Jesus himself sitting next to me stroking my forehead.
So, imagine what our world would be like if we could all be Christ-like to a hurting family member, a friend, a neighbor, or even to a stranger we haven’t met yet. As a recipient, I can tell you it is powerful. So, I will look for my own opportunities to be Christ-like and I pray that you will look for yours.
Bendiciones de Dios,
Susan Johnston