I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed. —Psalm 37: 25-26
Each year when Advent and the Christmas season arrive, many memories of my childhood come to mind. I remember one Christmas in particular. I was probably 6 years old and I so wanted a doll bunkbed for my dolls. It was during the war, World War II, and metal was scarce so the toys were made of wood and quite expensive. I remember seeing the most beautiful wooden doll bunkbed in one of the toy departments while we were Christmas shopping and wishing as only a child’s heart can do.
My mother would tuck us into bed on Christmas Eve and ask us what we wanted most from Santa. This was long before stores were open late on Christmas Eve, just in case. I told her most of all I wanted a doll bunkbed. Thank goodness it was dark as I’m sure her heart sank.
As no parent wants their child disappointed on Christmas morning, my Mom and Dad put their heads together and went to work. My Dad went out to his garage workshop in our backyard and from the scraps from his many projects created my doll bunkbed. Mom went to work at her sewing machine and made mattresses out of black and white ticking fabric she just happened to have on hand. Since there wasn’t time for paint to dry, a note was attached from Santa for me to pick out whatever color I wanted. Needless to say, there was one happy little girl on Christmas morning. I picked a teal blue color and enjoyed many a day playing with my doll bunkbed.
I was an adult before I learned of this wonderful story of love, long after the bunkbed had been gifted to some other child. How I wish I still had this tangible reminder of the beautiful and unselfish love my parents bestowed on me that Christmas so very long ago! Such great love!
Gracious Father, I am reminded once again of the greatest love of all that you bestowed on us all that Christmas Eve so very long ago in the gift of your son Jesus, our Lord, Emmanuel. Amen.
Lenni Stickles