Even in old age, they shall bear fruit. —Psalm 92:14
I sat on the back porch and watched a yellow leaf gently, silently float down to the ground. One yellow leaf. Not even very big. But it had had a job to do, and it had done it well no matter its size. It had stayed on the tree and had provided a minuscule bit of shade to a square inch of earth below. Not important, some would say. He who created the DNA of that tiny leaf would disagree! That tiny leaf had joined thousands of other tiny leaves, and in conjunction, they had provided a natural umbrella of cooling, protective shade for the earth below.
But now…well, now the green had faded to yellow, and it had floated down for a new chapter in its purpose. It would decompose and provide rich nourishment for the soil below. Its work was not done, for in the legacy it would leave to a tiny square inch of ground, it would still have purpose…not to an entire acre of earth, but purpose for sure to an inch, just a tiny square inch of His world.
In our earthly realm of time, no one will point to that square inch of composted rich soil below and say, “Oh, look! This is where the tiny leaf lay and provided rich food for the earth!” No plaques or memorials for the tiny leaf would be built, but that tiny leaf had done its job well. It had completed its purpose, and the legacy, the rich legacy it would leave, would be the fertile soil for future tiny trees with countless more tiny leaves to grow toward heaven above.
Dear God, may I be a tiny leaf for You. May the legacy I leave be fertile soil to point others heavenward to You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
“Bootsie” Johnston